Using the Internet to Enhance Knowledge Communication between Arab and African cultures

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Da'wa and Media, University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences, Sudan


The importance of the research topic and the reasons for choosing it were the researcher’s visit to some Arab and African countries several times. This made him realize the importance of knowledge communication between the Arab and African cultures in light of the rapid growth of the Internet, in addition to the lack of studies and research concerned with the use of the Internet in intercultural knowledge communication, especially Arab and African culture. The main research question is how the Internet can be employed to enhance knowledge communication between Arab and African cultures. The research sought to achieve several goals, identifying the related concepts and correlational relationships between the Internet, knowledge, culture, Arab culture and African culture; realizing the elements of knowledge communication between Arab and African cultures via the Internet, and the obstacles that hinder this communication. In addition to building a future vision that can enhance the role of the Internet in the knowledge communication between Arab and African culture.

Prof. Aymen Abdelkader Mohamed Al-Sheik

Professor of Media

Faculty of Da'wa and Media

University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences, Sudan

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